The One Minute Clinic on FFR: Unexplained chest pain in patient in renal faliure with prior negative physiology in CAD

Hemodynamics and Coronary Physiology with Morton Kern
47 videos

Dr. Kern is currently the Chief of Cardiology, Veterans Administration Long Beach Heath Care System and staff interventional Cardiologist. His research interests include coronary blood flow,...

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Initials HK of Dr. Hamid Sharif Khan HK

Dr. Hamid Sharif Khan

Medical Doctor, Rawalpindi Institute Of Cardiology

Nice one Prof Kern. Surgeons usually ask us if their LIMA can work on intermediate kind of LAD lesions crossfilling a large sized RCA CTO? Can physiology help as we all know the FFR/iFR value can be falsely significant due to increase in the LV supplied by the LAD